Today we’re one of the UK’s largest universities with a staff and student community approaching 38,000. Our employment-focused course portfolio with over 350 undergraduate programmes, nearly 200+ postgraduate courses and rich array of CPD courses means we offer you the skills and experience that industry needs. Building on last year's impressive rise of 27 places, we’ve climbed a further 5 places in the Complete University Guide 2021 and are now ranked 70th out of 130 institutions. And we’ve been ranked first for the money invested into student wellbeing services according to the 2020 Student Welfare League Table. We have been awarded Silver in the UK Government’s 2017 Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). Our TEF Silver rating is based on high quality teaching, excellent teaching facilities and the good careers that our graduates go on to discover.
Explore new skills, deepen existing passions, and get lost in creativity.What you find just might surprise and inspire you. With so much to explore